We feel Y N Shamala for the echo in leading essays from CSD. Allen F H, Kennard 0 and Taylor R 1983 Acc, Chem, Res. Altona C and Sundaralingam M 1972j. Banerjee A, Das B N and Saenger W 1978 Acta Cryst. Cesario M and Guilham J 1977 . Duax W L and Hauptman H 1972 j. Duax W L, Griffin J F, Weeks C M and Wawrzak 1988 J. Kilpatrick J E, Pitzer K S and Spitzer R 1947 J, Am. PitzerK S and Donath W F 1959 J. Radhakrishnan R, Viswamitra M A, Bhutan!
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